
Arrival and lairage management

The majority of pigs being slaughtered are finishers ranging from 70 to 140 kg. Finishers are usually picked up from farms, transported and, at the slaughter plant, most often kept in lairage pens in familiar groups. The general requirement of the Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing is that each pig arriving and handled at the slaughterhouse shall be spared any avoidable pain, distress and suffering. However, after arrival at the slaughterhouse, pigs are confronted with an entirely new environment which they have to cope with, posing major challenges for pig welfare.
Lairage pen with distraction - © EURCAW-Pigs
Source photo: © EURCAW-Pigs

About this dossier

Table of contents



Welfare indicators

Inspiring example: Brand Qualitätsfleisch

Inspiring example: Thönes Naturverbund

Inspiring example: PigSlot

Inspiring example: Artificial intelligence in slaughterhouses to improve animal welfare

Training courses


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