
EURCAWs hosted a second meeting with National Reference Centres and Supporting Bodies

  • Subject
    Second workshop with National Reference Centres for Animal Welfare and the Competent Authorities’ Supporting Bodies
  • Target audience
    National Reference Centres, Supporting Bodies, Policy Workers & Competent Authorities
More info and sources
The three EU Reference Centres for Animal Welfare (EURCAWs) hosted a second workshop with National Reference Centres for Animal Welfare and the Competent Authorities’ Supporting Bodies on 13 September 2022.

The aims of the meeting were to increase collaboration, facilitate knowledge exchange and to get input to the next workprogrammes for the three EURCAWs. In total 89 participants from 22 Member States participated, including 24 members from the three EURCAWs, and three delegates from DG SANTE of the European Commission.


In the second part of the meeting separate workshops were organized per EURCAW to identify examples of good practices related to animal welfare topics specified by each EURCAW, and barriers and solutions for transition to good practice. The EURCAW Pigs’ four themes at the workshop were: Tail biting and tail docking, Free farrowing – loose housing sows, Heat stress during transport, and Mass killing on farm – depopulation.

The detailed outcomes of the workshops and the results of the survey can be found in the report of the meeting. Moreover, the presentations are available and combined here.

Introphoto: Animals represented by the three EURCAWs (from slide intro ppt)

