
Q2E on nutrition and tail biting

  • Subject
    Relationship between nutrition and tail biting
  • Target audience
    Policy workers, official veterinarians, animal welfare inspectors
More info and sources
EURCAW-Pigs received a question on the relationship between nutrition and tail biting.

In short the answer is:

Access to sufficient amounts of good quality water (e.g. the number of drinking points) and feed is important to prevent tail biting. Exact diet recommendations for preventing tail biting are difficult to make because the optimum depends on the current requirements of the pigs, the feed composition and the method of feed delivery. However, abrupt changes in dietary composition may increase the risk of biting.

There are some indications that dietary fibre reduces the risk of biting. Related to this: additional roughage is known to reduce pen mate directed behaviour, and thus tail biting. Low levels of amino acids are associated with tail biting behaviour, and this is worsened when health challenges are present. Offering licking blocks (salt) may help to reduce biting.

The full answer:

Introphoto: Pig drinkers (©123RF)

