Q2E on stocking density calculation

tool for pig space allowance estimation
Target audience
Policy workers, official veterinarians, animal welfare inspectors
EURCAW-Pigs received a question on the estimation of the space required for a group of pigs, according to the legislation. EURCAW-Pigs developed an Excel tool which may be of help.
By estimating the weights of the lightest pig and the heaviest pig, the Excel tool estimates how many pigs are in each of the legal weight bands and thus what the average space allowance for the whole group should be. It requires the following steps:
- Measure the length and width of the pen
- Measure the length and width of feeder and other construction in the pen
- Extract the measurement of 2 from 1 to obtain the unobstructed floor area
- Weigh the smallest and biggest pig in the group
- Insert the measurements in the Excel table etc.
The full answer:
Introphoto: Group of pigs (©WUR)