Executive Summary - Staff Working Document (2022)328
Executive Summary of the Staff Working Document (2022)328.
Welfare of pigs on farm : Plain language summary
This plain language summary (PLS) is a simplified communication of EFSA’s Opinion on the welfare of pigs on farm. The purpose of this PLS is to enhance transparency and inform interested parties on EFSA’s work on the topic using simplified language.
Welfare of pigs during transport : Plain language summary
This plain language summary (PLS) is a simplified communication of EFSA’s Opinion on the welfare of pigs during transport. The purpose of this PLS is to enhance transparency and inform interested parties on EFSA’s work on the topic using simplified language
Minutes EURCAW-Pigs Reflection Board meeting, 26th October, 2021
The EU Reference Centre of Animal Welfare (EURCAW) was established in 2018 by DG SANTE to support EU Member States on issues related to the pig welfare legislation. As part of its activities, EURCAW-Pigs organises annual meetings with a Reflection Board, including representatives of the pig supply chain, related professional organisations and civil society organisations. The Reflection Board is informed about the activities of EURCAW-Pigs and is asked to reflect on them and to support the Centre with technical information.
When can a pig be considered as adult? (Q2E-Pigs-2021-001): question to EURCAW-Pigs
EURCAW-Pigs answers the following questions from a Ministry of one of the Member States: Is there scientific knowledge on when a pig can be considered as adult? And how can adulthood be defined in castrated and ovariectomised pigs?
All presentations EURCAWs meeting for National Reference Centres & Supporting Bodies, online meeting 1 July 2021
The three EU Reference Centres for Animal Welfare (EURCAWs) met for the first time with National Reference Centres (NRCs) and National Supporting Bodies (NSBs) designated by EU governments. Aim of the meeting – organized online on July 1, 2021 - was to start developing a useful network and identification of possible collaboration/synergies. In total 61 participants from 21 Member States participated, including 42 delegates from the NRCs and NSBs, and 19 delegates from the three EURCAWs. This document contains all powerpoint slides that were showed during this meeting.
Report EURCAWs meeting for National Reference Centres & Supporting Bodies, online meeting 1 July 2021
The three EU Reference Centres for Animal Welfare (EURCAWs) met for the first time with National Reference Centres (NRCs) and National Supporting Bodies (NSBs) designated by EU governments. Aim of the meeting – organized online on July 1, 2021 - was to start developing a useful network and identification of possible collaboration/synergies. In total 61 participants from 21 Member States participated, including 42 delegates from the NRCs and NSBs, and 19 delegates from the three EURCAWs.
Scientific opinion concerning the welfare of animals during transport
The Scientific Opinion on the welfare of animals during transport reviewed the most recent scientific information concerning the main farm species. New scientific evidence and consequent conclusions and recommendations were arranged following the structure of Annex I of EC Regulation 1/2005.
Financiële consequenties van staartbijten bij varkens
Report on the financial consequences of tail damage due to tail biting among pigs in conventional pig farms in the Netherlands.
EUWelnet pigtraining
Understanding environmental enrichment and tail docking requirements for finisher pigs. This training is available in 7 languages: English, French, German, Polish, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.
Transport conditions of fattening pigs from farm to slaughterhouse : transport of pigs for more than 8 hours at two space allowances
An investigation of travelling conditions of slaughter pigs during 8 long (>8h) journeys across Germany. Animals were transported at two loading densities. Observations of physiological (heart activity, blood parameters, body temperature) and behavioural responses (posture, fighting) weremade together with registration of environmental aspects (including indoor and outdoor temperature, wind speed, humidity, weather conditions). Driving conditions were also registered.