Scientific opinion concerning the welfare of animals during transport
The Scientific Opinion on the welfare of animals during transport reviewed the most recent scientific information concerning the main farm species. New scientific evidence and consequent conclusions and recommendations were arranged following the structure of Annex I of EC Regulation 1/2005.
Financiële consequenties van staartbijten bij varkens
Report on the financial consequences of tail damage due to tail biting among pigs in conventional pig farms in the Netherlands.
EUWelnet pigtraining
Understanding environmental enrichment and tail docking requirements for finisher pigs. This training is available in 7 languages: English, French, German, Polish, Italian, Spanish and Dutch.
Transport conditions of fattening pigs from farm to slaughterhouse : transport of pigs for more than 8 hours at two space allowances
An investigation of travelling conditions of slaughter pigs during 8 long (>8h) journeys across Germany. Animals were transported at two loading densities. Observations of physiological (heart activity, blood parameters, body temperature) and behavioural responses (posture, fighting) weremade together with registration of environmental aspects (including indoor and outdoor temperature, wind speed, humidity, weather conditions). Driving conditions were also registered.
Note on minimum space allowance and compartment height for cattle and pigs during transport
Graphical presentation of guidelines for minimum space allowances for cattle and pigs during transport.
AHDB Tail Biting WebHAT
The Tail Biting “WebHAT” (Web based Husbandry Advisory Tool) is a website designed to be an interactive resource providing information about the key risks for tail biting in pigs and practical suggestions to help reduce these risks on-farm. Taking information from evidence based sources and scientific literature, this WebHAT identifies a number of risks associated with tail biting (a key pig behaviour), and can be used to generate a report of prioritised, key tail-biting risks found on a farm and obtain suggestions to address the specific risks identified.
Schwanzbeißen ist eine weit verbreitete Verhaltensstörung bei Schweinen. Alle Haltungssysteme und Produktionsformen sind mehr oder weniger stark betroffen. Die Ursachen sind vielfältig (multifaktoriell). Viele Risikofaktoren sind bereits bekannt. Sie wirken jedoch auf jedem Betrieb anders und in verschiedenen Konstellationen. Daher gibt es keine Standard-Problemlösung.
Netzwerke 3 + 4: Aufzucht und Haltung unkupierter Schweine
Langtitel: Verbesserung tierschutzrelevanter Haltungsbedingungen in der Schweinehaltung unter Berücksichtigung der Senkung des Risikos des Auftretens von Schwanzbeißen.
Scientific Opinion concerning a Multifactorial approach on the use of animal and non‐animal‐based measures to assess the welfare of pigs
Pigs have a need for manipulable materials to satisfy a range of behavioural needs, which can be different in different classes of pig. When these needs are not met, a range of adverse welfare consequences result, one of these being an increased risk for tail-biting in weaners and rearing pigs. The ability to control the risk of tail-biting is essential when aiming to avoid tail-docking. Based on available scientific information this Opinion identifies the multiple interactions between risk factors, welfare consequences and animal and non-animal-based measures on the two subjects requested (i) the absence of functional manipulable materials, for pigs at different stages in life and (ii) tail-biting, for weaners and rearing pigs only. An attempt is made to quantify the relationships between the identified interactions by carrying out a statistical analysis of information from available databases, those being an international dataset collected using the Welfare Quality® protocol, which was not designed to evaluate risk factors for tail-biting and therefore, it had limitations in fitness for this analysis, and a large Finnish dataset with undocked pigs. Based on the current state of knowledge, the AHAW Panel proposes two simple tool-boxes for on farm use to assess (i) the functionality of the supplied manipulable material and (ii) the presence and strength of risk factors for tail biting. Both proposed tool-boxes include a combination of the most important resource-based and animal-based measures. Further development and validation of decision–support tools for customised farm assessment is strongly recommended and a proposal for harmonised data collection across the range of European farming circumstances is presented. A series of further recommendations are made by the AHAW Panel.
Οδηγός Oρθών και Bέλτιστων Πρακτικών κατά τη Μεταφορά των Χοίρων
Consortium of the Animal Transport Guides Project.